The One Where They Went to Tokyo
Ohayo Gozaimasu from the Shinkansen! This morning we’re headed to Kyoto after our first leg in Tokyo – three days that were drenched in sight-seeing, metro mapping and miso soup. We’ve walked over 52 kilometres in 72 hours, eaten enough food to put a sumo wrestler to shame, gotten lost underground only once (unbelievable, I know), and most impressively, lived in a hotel room smaller than a shoebox and not killed one another. A raging success, if I do say so myself.
Our first day here was spent in the company of our dear friend, Ayaka, who was our exchange student back in 2010. She introduced us to the wonder that is Tokyo – in all its cultural, lit-up, fishbowl-sized-udon glory. From the bustle of Shibuya, to the idyllic Ueno park, the eye-feast of Harajuku and the literal tempura feast in Ginza, the beauty of Asakusa and the Christmas lights that illuminate the city at night, we’ve fallen stupidly in love with Tokyo.
There’s an unconventional beauty in this bustling and industrial city. Every detail engrained into daily life of this well-oiled machine – lining up for the subway, being presented your meal, the bow received upon entering, well, literally anywhere – is exuded by undoubtedly the most polite and respectful people on the planet, the Japanese. In the country I’ve felt most like a tourist, sticking out like a sore thumb, it’s the country I’ve felt most safe in.
I’ve slipped back into the blissful swing of travel, savouring the long days, new sights and smells and everything that comes with being somewhere that isn’t home. It’s been extra pleasant having an entourage of constant company after my solo stint, even though 99% of the time it does feel like I’m on my own anyway since I’ve been assumed chief navigator and everyone walks 10 metres behind me…
Nevertheless, we’re having such a great time. I won’t harp on about how gorgeous Tokyo is any more; I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking.
Many matcha and miso wishes,
K x