Creating Home

When it began, I was sort of, anticipant.


Lockdown, synonymous with Time, meant Creativity.


Finally! I thought, I’ll have all of this space to plan and write and produce all of the things I have ever wanted to plan and write and produce! Notebooks will be filled; pens will run dry! Creativity, conquered!


Well, it’s been months. I can report that the only thing Lockdown is synonymous with, is whatever you’d call the place where creativity goes to die.


I can’t plan. I can’t write. I can’t produce.


And why? Because in taking every measure to pretend that this version of reality doesn’t exist, stripping it all away and refusing to acknowledge it, well, there wasn’t really much left.


That sounds awfully dire. It’s not really. Here’s why -


When I decided to shut out the pandemic, I closed the door on the possibility of creating something, anything. I tried writing about travel, stuff I did with my mates, eating outrageously yum food from outrageously expensive restaurants. It all felt wrong; impossible to pen. Corona turned the words to dust.


But today when I took a long hard look at the empty word doc, a miraculous thing occurred.

A whole new perspective was born.


Life is different now, therefore, the capabilities of what I can produce have changed, morphed and melded. They have evolved to newness. New thoughts. New pathways. New sentiments. New pleasures. New losses. New plans. New ideas.


All of the new is something to write about.


It’s important to find ways to connect in this unusual, shared experience. My way is with words, and write, I shall.


This is Everything, the Home edition. I hope you enjoy it.