The July Journal
There’s this funny thing happening to me at the moment. I haven’t been writing. At all.
It’s strange, right? In the past, I couldn’t forgo a week without spilling my mind onto a page. Nowadays, filling in the lines of a journal has lost some of its meaning.
I put it down to one thing: I’m happy. Like, exceptionally happy. I could probably slap a big ol’ sticker over July 2018 and call it one of the best months of my life.
All the manifestations and plans I’m usually scribbling in books has evolved into my reality. The qualms and worries have melted away – I haven’t needed an appointment with my paper therapist in weeks, months even – maybe all the sessions have paid off?
It is a shame; I’m not documenting any of the things that are contributing to this happiness. One day in the future, I’ll look back to the black hole of my 21st year and wonder where she’d dropped off to. So, what a better way to document it than in this (very late) July Journal.
Today was the very last day of my retail life for hopefully, eternity. I’ve clambered out of my HELLO-HOW-CAN-I-HELP-YOU-TODAY hole of misery and landed myself a corporate job in marketing in the city. I get to ride with the suit-studded waves of morning commuters and pour all of my energy into something much more meaningful than putting clothes on hangers and pretending to be concerned about Australia’s refund policy.
The universe has also granted me with an adventure on the horizon – I’ve been offered a place to travel to India with university for a few weeks in the new year. The program focusses specifically on sustainability in urban and rural India, and I’ll be travelling through major cities and minor towns. I've always dreamed of visiting India, but been far too afraid to tackle it as a solo female, so this opportunity comes as a very welcomed surprise!
Not only have these two incredible things landed on my doorstep this month, but all of July has been sprinkled with nuggets of gold: winning a round of trivia for the first time ever; the possums living in our roof finally moving out; the Mamma Mia 2 soundtrack; celebrating Christmas in July; my sister staying with me for a week – I feel like I’m living in a dream.
If it is, I hope I don’t ever have to wake up.
That’s all from me folks, wishing farewell to an incredible month of living, and anticipating many delicious ones to come.