The April Journal
A big fat sandwich of love. That’s exactly what this month has been.
It all started with an Easter break that was garnished with the best thing of all, my family, all here in Melbourne. In proper Italian fashion, we came together under the one roof for a weekend full of Nonna’s Pomodoro e Riso, gin and tonics, hide-and-seek in the dark, and of course, chatter loud enough to shatter windows. Absolute HEAVEN. Every single person, from 7 months old to 71 years old, made each second of those four days jam packed with goodness.
The meat of the month, the chunk through the middle, has seen me through a turbulent ride through the storm of study (anyone want me to calculate the future value of your superannuation? Perhaps teach you where a semi-colon goes? Enlighten you about Jackie Chan’s celebrity endorsement marketing scheme? My lecturers sure seem to want me to know…). Work has been steady, the day-to-day duties like grocery shopping and riding my bike still give me that giddy feeling of WOW THIS IS ACTUALLY MY LIFE. Alas, it’s been very pleasant to continue riding that wave of wonder.
The harmonious bookend of the month goes to a final April weekend spent with the new branch of my family, my dear housemates. On Saturday, we hosted a Clothing Swap party with twenty or so friends, where our house was adorned in clothes, shoes, jewellery, (and mysterious clip-in hair extensions), and we spent the entire afternoon dressing ourselves up. Our humble home – light, airy, and gorgeously green – made for a hub of happiness. Us girls spent the afternoon looking glamorous in our new clobber, scouting for the best photo spots in Carlton, and finishing off the day in the local pub on the corner. I don’t know if it was all the groovy women in the house, the endless supply of hummus, or the fact that I spent most of the day in a vintage pantsuit, but I was absolutely buzzing.
It made for the perfect closing on this April love-sandwich. My family, my beautiful housemates, WHAT A TREAT.
Monthly Favourites
TV show: Big Little Lies
The girls had been trying to get me onto Big Little Lies from the day I moved in. Well, I finally decided to put it on. And I didn’t stop until I’d seen every single episode. Literally. SEVEN hours into the night I sat on the couch absorbing some of the greatest television I’ve ever seen. It’s one of those shows that’s been in the back of my mind ever since – marvellous.
Album: Geography - Tom Misch
This album has been seeing me through 90% of this month. Electronic-funk meets smooth and soulful. Delicious for the ears.
Book: The Wonder Down Under - Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl
Everything you should have learned in grade eight science but didn’t. Got a vagina? Please, read this.