Japan: The Final Saga

Hello from 2018! I know, I’m late to the party, but I’ve been caught in a whirlwind of endless to-do lists that I haven’t had the chance to ACTUALLY sign off on 2017. It’s only fair that before I dive head-first into a new year of The Everything Journal that I give to you the final saga of our Japanese escapade.


We decided that for New Year’s Eve in Tokyo we’d do as the locals do, and head to Sensoji Temple in Asakusa at midnight. Traditionally, New Year’s Eve for the Japanese is spent with one’s nearest and dearest making the first temple visit of the year to pray. Surrounding the temple is the thrumming of excitement, chattering from the masses dressed in their finest kimonos, the smell of noodles and mochi and ramen and spices, and at midnight, the sound of the gong to ring in the New Year. Something completely different in comparison to the usual ‘fireworks on the beach’ affair in Australia, but a night that made being there as a family all the more special, and an amazing display of Japanese culture.




And we could only follow such a great night with a day at the world’s happiest place, Tokyo Disneyland. Look, all I’ll say is that it truly is the happiest place on earth – I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a theme park as much as I did this one. In true Japanese fashion, everything was impeccably clean, everyone was exceptionally respectful, and every second was truly magical.




Japan proved itself as such an incredible place to spend the festive season, especially for some quality family time. I’ve never come across such a polite and courteous race of people, and I’m sure I’ll be back as soon as possible to see more of this heavenly little country.